An illustration of people waiting for a train

The Hull Museums’ Learning Team present a celebration of work produced by Hull schools who are members of the Hull Curriculum membership scheme, in the annual, Hull Curriculum Exhibition.

Taking inspiration from some of Hull’s significant key histories, the schools featured created in-school learning opportunities for their pupils by taking part in Hull Curriculum Pop-up Exhibitions projects that are available exclusively for members.

The Hull Curriculum, which has been running since 2016, explores the historical and cultural development of the city of Hull, and its key places, events and people. At its core, is the aim to raise children’s pride in their city and develop their knowledge, key skills and aspiration.

This exhibition highlights the key histories that are contained within the Hull Curriculum and the resources available to our member schools. The Hull Curriculum is available to all Hull Primary Schools via an annual subscription. Schools interested in joining can find out more information on our members area: 

Date: 21st June 2024 - 18th August 2024 Recurs daily.

Location: Streetlife Museum High Street

Cost: Free

Time: 10:00 - 16:00