Free, drop-in sessions

Monday 7 April, Ferens Art Gallery, 1pm - 3pm

Have a ribbiting time making your own 3D model frog sculpture from craft materials, inspired by one of the sculptures at Ferens At Gallery.

Tuesday 8 April, Ferens Art Gallery, 10am-12noon

Calling all mini art explorers, join the Hull Museums and Hull Maritime teams for fun stories, arts and crafts activities inspired by amazing Arctic animals! 

Wednesday 9 April, Streetlife Museum, 1pm - 3pm

Join us to make your own steam train inspired craft in this fun family session.  

Thursday 10 April, Hull and East Riding Museum of Archaeology, 1pm - 3pm

Join the Hull Museums team to have a go at some fun spring themed weaving activities.

Friday 11 April, Streetlife Museum, 1pm - 3pm

Join Hull Scrapstore to make some fun family crafts inspired by ones traditionally made in Poland to celebrate Easter and spring. 

Saturday 12 April, Hands on History Museum, 1pm - 3pm

Join us to make your own colourful fan garland decorations guaranteed to brighten up any room! 

Monday 14 April, Hull and East Riding Museum of Archaeology, 1pm - 3pm

Join us at Hull and East Riding Museum to have a go at building your very own buoyant boat out of scrap and test it in our water tanks

Tuesday 15 April, Ferens Art Gallery, 1pm - 3pm

Join Artist Rosie Ireson for a fun family craft, to make your own fabulous spring or Easter wreath.

Wednesday 16 April, Streetlife Museum, 1pm - 3pm

Discover the fascinating world of Victorian medicine and explore lotions, potions and tonics 

Thursday 17 April, Streetlife Museum, 1pm - 3pm

Design the cargo or people carrying transport for the future and drive it around our track using our incredible Sphero robots. 

Free, ticketed sessions 

Monday 7 April, Ferens Art Gallery, 10:30am - 12noon

Have a go at some of the craft activities that we are running as separate drop-in sessions over the Easter holiday. 

Relaxed craft session designed for children living in Hull, or attending Hull schools, who have a disability, are neurodivergent or experience anxiety.

Friday 11 April, Streetlife Museum, 10:30am - 12noon

Join Hull Scrapstore to make some fun family crafts inspired by ones traditionally made in Poland to celebrate Easter and spring.

Relaxed craft session designed for children living in Hull, or attending Hull schools, who have a disability, are neurodivergent or experience anxiety.

Tuesday 15 April, Ferens Art Gallery, 10:30am - 12noon

Join Artist Rosie Ireson to make your own fabulous spring or Easter wreath

Relaxed craft session designed for children living in Hull, or attending Hull schools, who have a disability, are neurodivergent or experience anxiety.

Saturday 19 April, Ferens Art Gallery, 10:30am - 12noon

Join regular Flourish lead, artist Rosie Ireson, and guest artist William Vinegrad for a fun family friendly art activity.

Relaxed craft session designed for children living in Hull, or attending Hull schools, who have a disability, are neurodivergent or experience anxiety.