Transport Experience at Streetlife Museum
Become explorers and see real historic vehicles, from trains to planes, to see how people used to live and travel in the past.
Streetlife Museum
High Street
Key stages
Cross-curricular links
History, Design and Technology, Science
Session length
1 hour – Character-led tour
2 hours – Character-led tour and transport related activities
Standard / non-member rates
For groups of 15 or more children
1-hour experience – £4.95 per child
2-hour experience – £8.02 per child
For groups of fewer than 15 children
1-hour experience – £74.25 per group
2-hour experience – £120.30 per group
Magical Museums member rates
For groups of 15 or more children
1-hour experience – £2.18 per child*
2-hour experience – £4.36 per child*
For groups of fewer than 15 children
1-hour experience – £32.70 per group
2-hour experience – £65.40 per group
*If available, your member school's free hours will be used first.
Please note: SEND groups are charged at our Standard per-child rate plus a £10 administration cost.
What to expect from your Experience Day
Meet a Bus Conductor and help them find their missing vehicle. Explore the Streetlife Museum and learn about transport over time. Your pupils will compare and contrast historic transport with modern day vehicles and learn about how vehicles were powered in the past.
This session is delivered in character by our Delivery Team member dressed as a Bus Conductor. Choose from a 1-hour character-led tour, or book the 2-hour experience to enjoy the character-led tour plus additional transport related activities.
1-hour led session includes:
- Introduction to the site and setting the scene about the session – the Bus Conductor requires the children's help to find their missing vehicle!
- Tour the ground floor of the museum to look at a range of historic vehicles.
- Exploration of different types of historical vehicles, making comparisons between modern day equivalents.
- Looking at key features of our historic vehicles include materials used and how they were powered.
- Get on-board our historic tram and bus.
- Plenary and evaluation.
2-hour led session includes all of the above, plus the following activities on rotation:
- Object handling – handling a range of historic transport-related objects and identifying what vehicles they would have been used from
- Transport Hunt – explore the museum to hunt for other vehicles not covered during the tour, identifying how they are powered and the materials they are made from
- Observational drawing – get up close to our old bus, ice cream van or bikes and compare these to a modern-day equivalent through observational drawing and group discussion.
Group size
We can accommodate up to two groups from your school per available date – with a maximum of 35 pupils per group. If you’d like to bring more than two groups (70 pupils), please book additional days.
The timings for your Experience Day will depend on the size of your group and the length of session you book.
1-hour led session
We deliver sessions from 10–11am for the first group, and 11am–12pm for the second group. If you’re bringing two groups to/from the museum at the same time, we strongly recommend you book in self-directed time (you can find out more about this below).
2-hour led session
We deliver sessions from 10am–12pm for the first group, and 12.30–2.30pm for the second group. If you’re bringing two groups to/from the museum at the same time, we strongly recommend you book in self-directed time (you can find out more about this below).
Make a full day of your visit
When making your booking through Eventbrite, you’ll be asked if you want to book a space for lunch and self-directed time.
Self-directed time is essentially a booking to explore the museum in a large group. You need to book it in so we know we can accommodate your class alongside other visitors. It does not include any activities led by museum staff – so please plan your time accordingly.
Pre-visit info
To make the most of your visit, make sure you download and read the following documents. These include detailed information on what to expect from the day. For example: timings, locations, T&Cs and risk assessment.
Schools Visit Pack (PDF, 350kb)
Transport Experience Day – 1-hour info pack (PDF, 239kb)
Transport Experience Day – 2-hour info pack (PDF, 221kb)
A link for these will also be included on your confirmation email and ticket.
We also have the following resources and documents available to help with your visit planning:
Book the Transport Experience Day for your school
We are currently using Eventbrite for bookings while we move over to a new system. Any reference to FREE on the Eventbrite system relates only to not being charged at the point of booking. These sessions are NOT free – all schools will be invoiced following your visit based on the booking details you provide. Prices are listed above.
Cancellation policy
If you need to cancel or change your booking, you can do this by logging into the Eventbrite account you used to make your booking.
Our cancellation policy states: If you accept this visit but are unable to attend, please cancel your visit via Eventbrite by logging into your account and cancelling your booked ticket. We ask that where possible, you do this within 7 working days of the visit to free up the slot for another school.
Please note: if you cancel your visit with less than 24 hours’ notice of the booked slot, you will be charged £50.